Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Christian Background Music


Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Christian Background Music with multi verse tracks.

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Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Christian Background Music.

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Christian Background Music.

Author: Charles Wesley

“Christ The Lord is Risen Today 1 verse” Christian Singalong All Choral Works
Audio Player
  • Recorded and mastered to sound good on any sound system.
  • Multiple Tracks included (1 verse 2 verse 3 verse etc) or multiple versions
  • Enhances the Worship experience together with High Quality Background Audio
  • Easy to follow melody
  • Use with any language or adjust the lyrics to fit your sermon

** Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Christian Background Music is limited then to your family group or local congregation within the same building. With this in mind each local congregation of any denomination or satellite location must purchase their own copy.

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Christian Background Music History in short.

“Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” is a classic Easter hymn by then the great hymn writer Charles Wesley. It therefore  first appeared in a collection by John and Charles Wesley called Hymns and Sacred Poems (1739) without the “alleluia’s” which were added in the early 19th century. Only a few other minor changes have been made since that time. The six stanzas thus appear in The UM Hymnal have been adapted from the original 11; stanzas six seven eight and nine have been left out entirely. The current second stanza is actually the first couplet of the original second stanza and the last couplet of the original third stanza.

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Christian Background Music also Found in

  • African American Heritage Hymnal: #288
  • Baptist Hymnal 2008: #270
  • Celebremos Su Gloria: #215
  • Chinese Hymns For God’s People : #212
  • Evangelical Lutheran Worship: #361
  • New Apostolic Church Hymnal: #509
  • Presbyterian Hymnal: #113
  • The Celebration Hymnal: #367
  • The United Methodist Hymnal #302

If you therefore would like to submit a different location please do so. In short we welcome any additional information that serves to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your finding to us.

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Christian Background Music then for English

1. Christ the Lord is risen today Alleluia!
Earth and heaven in chorus say Alleluia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high Alleluia!
Sing ye heavens and earth reply Alleluia!

2. Love’s redeeming work is done Alleluia!
Fought the fight the battle won Alleluia!
Death in vain forbids him rise Alleluia!
Christ has opened paradise Alleluia!

3. Lives again our glorious King Alleluia!
Where O death is now thy sting? Alleluia!
Once he died our souls to save Alleluia!
Where’s thy victory boasting grave? Alleluia!

Verse order then may vary

4. Soar we now where Christ has led Alleluia!
Following our exalted Head Alleluia!
Made like him like him we rise Alleluia!
Ours the cross the grave the skies Alleluia!

5. Hail the Lord of earth and heaven Alleluia!
Praise to thee by both be given Alleluia!
Thee we greet triumphant now Alleluia!
Hail the Resurrection thou Alleluia!

6. King of glory soul of bliss Alleluia!
Everlasting life is this Alleluia!
Thee to know thy power to prove Alleluia!
Thus to sing and thus to love Alleluia!

If you therefore would like to submit a different translation please do so. In short we welcome any translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us.

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Christian Background Music then for Spanish

1. El Senor resucito Aleluya! Muerte y tumba el vencio; Aleluya! Con su fuerza y su virtud Aleluya! Cautivo la esclavidad. Aleluya!

2. El que al polvo se humillo Aleluya! Vencedor se levanto; Aleluya! Su gloriosa majestad. Aleluya!

Verse order then may vary

3. Cristo que la cruz sufrio Aleluya aleluya! Y en desolacion se vio Aleluya aleluya! Hoy en gloria celestial Aleluya aleluya! Reina vivo inmortal. Aleluya aleluya gloria a Dios!

4. Cristo nuestro Salvador Aleluya aleluya! De la muerte vencedor Aleluya aleluya! Pronto vamos sin cesar Aleluya aleluya! Tus loores a cantar. Aleluya aleluya gloria a Dios!

If you therefore would like to submit a different translation please do so. In short we welcome any translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us.

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Christian Background Music then for French

1. Christ le Seigneur est ressuscité Alléluia aujourd’hui
Fils des hommes et des anges disent Alleluia
Levez les joies et les triomphes de haute Alleluia
Chantez Cieux et la terre réponse Alleluia

2. Revit notre glorieux roi Alleluia
O En cas de décès est ton aiguillon Alleluia
Mourir une seule fois il doth sauver tous Alleluia
Où ta victoire oh tombe Alleluia

Verse order then may vary

3. Œuvre rédemptrice de l’amour se fait Alleluia
Combattu le combat de la bataille gagnée Alleluia
Mort en vain lui interdit de monter Alleluia
Christ a ouvert le paradis Alleluia

4. Soar nous maintenant où le Christ a conduit Alleluia
Suite à notre tête exaltée Alleluia
Faites comme Lui comme Lui nous nous élevons
Ours de la croix le tombeau l’Alleluia ciel

If you therefore would like to submit a different translation please do so. In short we welcome any translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us.

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Christian Background Music then for German

1. Christ der Herr vom Tod erstand! Halleluja!
Kündet’s laut von Land zu Land Halleluja!
Engel kündet’s nah und fern Halleluja!
Erd und Himmel singt dem Herrn! Halleluja!

2. Des Erlösers Werk vollbracht! Halleluja!
Licht durchbricht die Todesnacht. Halleluja!
Sieger du am Kreuzesstamm Halleluja!
sei gesegnet Gotteslamm! Halleluja!

Verse order then may vary

3. Ja du lebst o König hehr! Halleluja!
Tod dein Stachel ist nicht mehr! Halleluja!
Niedersank des Bösen Macht Halleluja!
da dein Werk Herr ward vollbracht. Halleluja!

If you therefore would like to submit a different translation please do so. In short we welcome any translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us.

Christ the Lord Is Risen Today Christian Background Music then for Chinese

基督我主今复活 哈利路亚, 天人一致同欢欣 哈利路亚, 高声歌颂赞主名 哈利路亚, 天唱地和齐响应 哈利路亚

荣耀君王今复活 哈利路亚, 祂曾舍命为救我 哈利路亚, 死亡毒钩今何在 哈利路亚, 你所夸坟墓何归 哈利路亚

Verse order then may vary

爱之救赎已完成 哈利路亚, 与敌争战主得胜 哈利路亚, 墓石守兵均徒然 哈利路亚, 基督冲开死亡门 哈利路亚

高唱赞美天上神 哈利路亚, 颂祂慈爱到永恒 哈利路亚, 赞美至高天上君 哈利路亚, 圣父圣子与圣灵 哈利路亚

If you therefore would like to submit a different translation please do so. In short we welcome translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us.

Therefore, additional Translations to Christ the Lord Is Risen Today may be found at:

  • Lyrics Translate. – In short, it is made up of a community of volunteers that help translate music.
  • All The Lyrics. – Notably more main stream music instead of Religious. Then again, you might get lucky.
  • Google Translate. Significantly the most powerful translation software on the market. However, it focuses on translating the meaning, not fitting into the melody.

You may also consider these Christian Presentation Software’s:

  • Easy Worship. Obviously, like it’s name, it is very easy to use. However because of the ease of use there are limitations. Therefore it is good for someone starting out.
  • Pro Presenter. To summarize, this software is the most used. Then not as easy to use as Easy Worship. However, not as many features as Media Shout.
  • Media Shout. As a result of having the most features, a lot of training is required. However it has a powerful multi screen setup that allows for different presentations on different screens.

Then again, If you are looking for a specific hymn. Or you therefore want to change the lyrics on the sheet music. Despite your needs, we can make corrections for the most part free of charge.

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