- Description
- Practice music
- History of the hymn
- Hymn books
- English lyrics
- French lyrics
- German lyrics
- Chinese lyrics
- Additional info
Practice Music samples also for Theres A Wideness Sheet Music

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Theres A Wideness Sheet Music History in short.
Dr Faber, the author of this hymn wrote: “It was natural then that an English son of St. Philip should feel the want of a collection of English Catholic hymns fitted for singing. The few in the Garden of the Soul were all that were at hand, and of course they were not numerous enough to furnish the requisite variety. As to translations they do not express Saxon thought and feelings, and consequently the poor do not seem to take to them. The domestic wants of the Oratory, too, keep alive the feeling that something of the sort was needed: though at the same time the author’s ignorance of music appeared in some measure to disqualify him for the work of supplying the defect. Eleven, however, of the hymns were written, most of them, for particular tunes and on particular occasions, and became very popular with a country congregation. They were afterwards printed for the Schools at St. Wilfrid’s, and the very numerous applications to the printer for them seemed to show that, in spite of very glaring literary defects, such as careless grammar and slipshod metre, people were anxious to have Catholic hymns of any sort. The manuscript of the present volume was submitted to a musical friend, who replied that certain verses of all or nearly all of the hymns would do for singing; and this encouragement has led to the publication of the volume.”
Theres A Wideness Sheet Music also Found in
- Evangelical Lutheran Worship: #587
- New Apostolic Church Hymnal: #337
- Presbyterian Hymnal: #298
- Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal: #114
- The Celebration Hymnal: #355
If you therefore would like to submit a different location, please do so. In short, we welcome any additional information that serves to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your finding to us.
Theres A Wideness Sheet Music then for English
1. There’s a wideness in God’s mercy, Like the wideness of the sea; There’s a kindness in His justice, Which is more than liberty. 2. There is no place where earth’s sorrows Are more felt than up in Heaven; There is no place where earth’s failings Have such kindly judgment given. 3. There is welcome for the sinner, And more graces for the good; There is mercy with the Savior; There is healing in His blood. 4. There is grace enough for thousands Of new worlds as great as this; There is room for fresh creations In that upper home of bliss.
Verse order then may vary
5. For the love of God is broader Than the measure of our mind; And the heart of the Eternal Is most wonderfully kind. 6. There is plentiful redemption In the blood that has been shed; There is joy for all the members In the sorrows of the Head. 7. ’Tis not all we owe to Jesus; It is something more than all; Greater good because of evil, Larger mercy through the fall. 8. If our love were but more simple, We should take Him at His word; And our lives would be all sunshine In the sweetness of our Lord.
Verse order then may vary
9. Souls of men! why will ye scatter Like a crowd of frightened sheep? Foolish hearts! why will ye wander From a love so true and deep? 10. It is God: His love looks mighty, But is mightier than it seems; ’Tis our Father: and His fondness Goes far out beyond our dreams. 11. But we make His love too narrow By false limits of our own; And we magnify His strictness With a zeal He will not own. 12. Was there ever kinder shepherd Half so gentle, half so sweet, As the Savior who would have us Come and gather at His feet? If you therefore would like to submit a different translation, please do so. In short, we welcome any translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us. 2
Theres A Wideness Sheet Music then for Spanish
As much as we tried, translation of this hymn was not found. However, if you have one or want to translate it for us, please email us. If you therefore would like to submit a different translation, please do so. In short, we welcome any translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us.
Theres A Wideness Sheet Music then for French
As much as we tried, translation of this hymn was not found. However, if you have one or want to translate it for us, please email us. If you therefore would like to submit a different translation, please do so. In short, we welcome any translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us.
Theres A Wideness Sheet Music then for German
As much as we tried, translation of this hymn was not found. However, if you have one or want to translate it for us, please email us. If you therefore would like to submit a different translation, please do so. In short, we welcome any translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us.
Theres A Wideness Sheet Music then for Chinese
As much as we tried, translation of this hymn was not found. However, if you have one or want to translate it for us, please email us. If you therefore would like to submit a different translation, please do so. In short, we welcome translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us
Therefore, additional Translations may be found at:
- Lyrics Translate. – In short, it is made up of a community of volunteers that help translate music.
- All The Lyrics. – Notably more main stream music instead of Religious. Then again, you might get lucky.
- Google Translate. Significantly the most powerful translation software on the market. However, it focuses on translating the meaning, not fitting into the melody.
You may also consider these Christian Presentation Software’s:
- Easy Worship. Obviously, like it’s name, it is very easy to use. However because of the ease of use there are limitations. Therefore it is good for someone starting out.
- Pro Presenter. To summarize, this software is the most used. Then not as easy to use as Easy Worship. However, not as many features as Media Shout.
- Media Shout. As a result of having the most features, a lot of training is required. However it has a powerful multi screen setup that allows for different presentations on different screens.
Then again, If you are looking for a specific hymn. Or you therefore want to change the lyrics on the sheet music. Despite your needs, we can make corrections for the most part free of charge.