What A Friend We Have in Jesus Male Choir Sheet Music TTBB 4-part


What A Friend We Have in Jesus Male Choir Sheet Music TTBB 4-part with Practice Music tracks. Make unlimited copies of sheet music and the practice music.

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What A Friend We Have in Jesus Male Choir Sheet Music TTBB 4-part Sheet Music.

What A Friend We Have in Jesus Male Choir Sheet Music TTBB 4-part Sheet Music.  Author: Joseph M. Scriven (1855)

  • Large print that is definitely easy to see
  • Likewise Unlimited Copies.** Make as many copies as you need**
  • Also Including practice music (MP3’s) for every individual part = LEARN FASTER

Missing choir members too? Then limited time to practice? Also Long distances to travel? not to mention work or personal conflict?

Soprano Track. Alto Track. Tenor Track. Bass Track. And also a mixed track to practice to

** What A Friend We Have in Jesus Male Choir Sheet Music TTBB 4-part Sheet Music is limited then to your family, group, or local congregation within the same building. With this in mind, each local congregation of any denomination or satellite location must purchase their own copy.

Practice Music samples also for What A Friend We Have in Jesus Male Choir Sheet Music TTBB 4-part Sheet Music

  • Practice then with the Chord quietly in the background. As a result – Faster Learning.
  • Then Make as many CD’s as you like.
  • Also you can email or create a private web page.
  • Because the missing members need to be brought up to speed.
  • Not to mention, Unlimited Copies**

What A Friend We Have in Jesus Male Choir Sheet Music TTBB 4-part Sheet Music History in short.

Joseph M. Scriven, an Irish immigrant to Canada, wrote this text near Port Hope, Ontario, in 1855. Because his life was filled with grief and trials, Scriven often needed the solace of the Lord as described in his famous hymn. He first started his career in the Irish military academy but was forced to resign due to health reasons. Shortly after his fiance’ died suddenly in a drownig accident the night before his wedding. Trying to move on, he immigrated to Canada. after a short time, Scriven fell in love again, shortly after he proposed marriage, his new fiance was strucken by illness and passed away. Then the news about his mother’s illness came. It is somewhere at this point, that he wrote this hymn.

What A Friend We Have in Jesus Male Choir Sheet Music TTBB 4-part Sheet Music also Found in

  • African American Heritage Hymnal: #430
  • Baptist Hymnal 2008: #182
  • Celebremos Su Gloria: #517
  • Chinese Hymns For God’s People : #327
  • Evangelical Lutheran Worship: #742
  • New Apostolic Church Hymnal: #226
  • Presbyterian Hymnal: #403
  • The Celebration Hymnal: #630

If you therefore would like to submit a different location, please do so. In short, we welcome any additional information that serves to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your finding to us.

What A Friend We Have in Jesus Male Choir Sheet Music TTBB 4-part Sheet Music then for English

1 What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer! 2 Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer! Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer!

What A Friend We Have in Jesus Verse order then may vary

3 Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care? Precious Savior, still our refuge– take it to the Lord in prayer! Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer! In his arms he’ll take and shield you; you wilt find a solace there. If you therefore would like to submit a different translation, please do so. In short, we welcome any translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us. 2

What A Friend We Have in Jesus Male Choir Sheet Music TTBB 4-part Sheet Music then for Spanish

1. Obediente a tu mandato participa hoy tu grey De la cena, y con gozo la recibe nuestra fe; tu dolor en el Calvario y tu pena y gran amor Anunciamos en tu nombre, amantisimo Senor. 2. Recordamos la tristeza que afligio tu Corazon, Y la copa de amargura que por todo pecador En el Golgota tomaste, despreciando tu dolor, Te pedimos que fervientes, te sigamos con valor.

What A Friend We Have in Jesus Verse order then may vary

3. Gracias, oh Jesus, te damos por tu infinito amor; Gracias mil, pues disfrutamos tu clemencia y tu favor. Tuya fue la cruz, mas nuestra es la dicha y es la paz; Tuya sea pues la Gloria, hoy y por la eternidad. Amen. If you therefore would like to submit a different translation, please do so. In short, we welcome any translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us.

What A Friend We Have in Jesus Male Choir Sheet Music TTBB 4-part Sheet Music then for French

1. Quel ami fidèle et tendre Nous avons en Jésus-Christ! Toujours prêt à nous entendre, À répondre à notre cri! Il connaît nos défaillances, Nos chutes de chaque jour, Sévère en ses exigences, Il est riche en son amour. 2. Quel ami fidèle et tendre Nous avons en Jésus-Christ! Toujours prêt a nous comprendre, Quand nous sommes en souci! Disons lui toutes nos craintes, Ouvrons lui tout notre coeur. Bientôt ses paroles saintes Nous rendront le vrai bonheur.

What A Friend We Have in Jesus Verse order then may vary

3. Quel ami fidèle et tendre Nous avons en Jésus-Christ! Toujours prêt a nous défendre Quand nous presse l’ennemi! Il nous suit dans la męlée, Nous entoure de ses bras, Et c’est lui qui tient l’épée, Qui décide des combats. 4. Quel ami fidèle et tendre, Nous avons en Jésus-Christ, Toujours prêt à nous apprendre, À vaincre en comptant sur lui! S’il nous voit vrais et sincères À chercher la sainteté, Il écoute nos prières Et nous met en liberté. 5. Quel ami fidèle et tendre, Nous avons en Jésus-Christ, Bientôt il viendra nous prendre Pour être au ciel avec lui. Suivons donc l’étroite voie, En comptant sur son secours. Bientôt nous aurons la joie De vivre avec lui toujours. If you therefore would like to submit a different translation, please do so. In short, we welcome any translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us.

What A Friend We Have in Jesus Male Choir Sheet Music TTBB 4-part Sheet Music then for German

1. Welch ein Freund ist unser Jesus, O, wie hoch ist er erhöht! Er hat uns mit Gott versöhnet Und vertritt uns im Gebet. Wer mag sagen und ermessen, Wieviel Heil verloren geht, Wenn wir nicht zu ihm uns wenden Und ihn suchen im Gebet! 2. Wenn des Feindes Macht uns drohet Und manch Sturmwind um uns weht, Brauchen wir uns nicht zu fürchten, Stehn wir gläubig im Gebet. Da erweist sich Jesu Treue, Wie er uns zur Seite steht, Als ein mächtiger Erretter, Der erhört ein ernst Gebet.

What A Friend We Have in Jesus Verse order then may vary

3. Sind mit Sorgen wir beladen, Sei es frühe oder spät, Hilft uns sicher unser Jesus, Fliehn zu ihm wir im Gebet. Sind von Freunden wir verlassen Und wir gehen ins Gebet, O, so ist uns Jesus alles: König, Priester und Prophet! If you therefore would like to submit a different translation, please do so. In short, we welcome any translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us.

What A Friend We Have in Jesus Male Choir Sheet Music TTBB 4-part Sheet Music then for Chinese

1 耶稣是我亲爱朋友,担当我罪与忧愁, 何等权利能将万事,带到主恩座前求! 多少平安屡屡失去,多少痛苦白白受, 皆因未将各样事情,带到主恩座前求。 2 或遇试炼或遇引诱,或有烦恼压心头, 切莫灰心切莫丧胆,来到主恩座前求! 何处得此忠心朋友,分担一切苦与忧, 耶稣深知我们软弱,来到主恩座前求。

What A Friend We Have in Jesus Verse order then may vary

3 是否软弱劳苦多愁,挂旅重担压肩头, 主仍是我避难处所,来到主恩座前求! 你若遭遇友叛亲离,来到主恩座前求, 在主怀中必蒙护佑,与主同在永无忧。 If you therefore would like to submit a different translation, please do so. In short, we welcome translations that serve to Glorify God. Therefore please submit your translations to us

Therefore, additional Translations to What A Friend We Have in Jesus may be found at:

  • Lyrics Translate. – In short, it is made up of a community of volunteers that help translate music.
  • All The Lyrics. – Notably more main stream music instead of Religious. Then again, you might get lucky.
  • Google Translate. Significantly the most powerful translation software on the market. However, it focuses on translating the meaning, not fitting into the melody.

You may also consider these Christian Presentation Software’s:

  • Easy Worship. Obviously, like it’s name, it is very easy to use. However because of the ease of use there are limitations. Therefore it is good for someone starting out.
  • Pro Presenter. To summarize, this software is the most used. Then not as easy to use as Easy Worship. However, not as many features as Media Shout.
  • Media Shout. As a result of having the most features, a lot of training is required. However it has a powerful multi screen setup that allows for different presentations on different screens.

Then again, If you are looking for a specific hymn. Or you therefore want to change the lyrics on the sheet music. Despite your needs, we can make corrections for the most part free of charge.